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About the Programs

Pathways Program

A unique 2-year program required for first-year students and sophomores. Students take a one-credit hour course each semester they are on campus for their first two years at Furman.

Learn more about Pathways >>

Alumni Connections (for Seniors and Recent Graduates)

The Alumni Connections program pairs seniors and recent graduates with professionals who can answer questions about career and industry trends, applying for graduate school, the job search process, work-life balance, personal experiences, and transitioning to life outside of Furman.

Informational Interviews (for current students)

An informational interview is a purposeful conversation with a professional in a field of interest. It is an effective way to research careers, gain insight into specific industries, and gather advice from individuals already in the working world.

Learn more about these programs >>

How it Works

* Login above using MyFurman
* Complete the Mentee application form
* Select which program you are applying for in the first question
* You will be notified soon of next steps

Contact Us

For any questions or comments please contact Melanie Armstrong, Mentoring Coordinator at